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Are you a Thinker, a Planner or a Doer?
Identifying which stages of tasks you naturally excel at and which you tend to fall down at, these stages can be boiled down into 3 distinct sections; Thinking, Planning and Doing.
5 Common Communication Mistakes – How to Avoid?
It can be embarrassing to make mistakes with communication. For example, if you send an email without checking it, and later realize that it contained an error, you can end up looking sloppy and unprofessional.
Do You Struggle with Instant Gratification?
To break free from the habit of instant gratification, it’s imperative to consciously work through the following five-step process. This process of steps would develop the habits needed to pursue long-term goals and objectives.
How Good is Your Decision Making? A Systematic Approach
At workplace too, making decisions is a part of every employee, especially at the managerial level. Decisions at work, requires lots of thinking and analysis.